This is a site devoted to explaining why we all suffer in life. Here is what you will find:
Overview: A crisp one page synopsis of the content of the book and its place in the suffering literature.
Author: Takes you out to the author's website for a bio, credentials, and the unlikely story of how an IBM engineer came to write a theology of suffering.
Basics: Short answers to basic questions on suffering.
Why Me? A diagnostic method and examples of how to determine why you are suffering and what to do about it.
Providence: Short answers to FAQs on suffering and evil in Gods plan for salvation.
Joy: Short answers to FAQs about how to live joyfully in the midst of suferring, pain and hardship.
Reviews: Expert testimonials and reader reviews from the author's website. Quotes that can be used for bookclub discussions
Media: TV appearances, radio and blog interviews and articles by the author from the author's website
Slides: Slide presentations of the entire book to be used as a primer/overview or review of the theological content.
Participate: The opportunity to post questions on the forum, comment on the author's blog posts, or to join a class on the topic given by Dr. Chaloux at the Avila Institutes' School of Spiritual Formation